Setup Objects#

Choose Objects#

To start settings up maps (image textures) for the mesh objects you want to bake, add these objects to the Table of Objects. Do it by pressing the Add button on the top:

How to add Objects

Add Highpolies and Cages too

If you have highpolies or cages beside lowpoly models, add them to the Table too.

Quick selection

When you select an object in the table, it’ll be quickly selected in the scene to inform you what’s being edited.

Quick selection

Name Matching#

BakeMaster can automatically match all your lowpolies, highpolies, and cages with each other.
To do so, press the ɑ button (Containers will form):

How Name Matching works

Naming Conventions#

Objects get matched by the following suffixes:
(can be customized in the Addon Preferences)





Default suffix





Lowpoly name example

Gets matched to








Won’t get matched


BakeMaster determines naming suffixes between _ (underscores) in the Object name.
Unmatched objects won’t be grouped into containers.

Additional Controls#

The Table of Objects provides additional controls for the Objects in it:


Add selected mesh objects in the scene to the table.


Remove the active object from the table.

Move Up
Move Up

Move the object's bake priority up.

Mode Down
Mode Down

Move the object's bake priority down.

Name Matching
Name Matching (read more)

Toggle Name Matching.

Full Object Preset
Full Object Preset (read more)

Save or load the Full Object Preset.


Remove all objects from the table.

Active Object
Active/current Object

To configure an object, select it in the table. Containers can be collapsed/expanded.

Bake visibility
Bake visibility

Toggle include/exclude the object from baking.

Object type
Objects' types

Lowpoly, Highpoly, Cage, Decal, Container, or just a simple object have unique icons.

Expand the table

Make the table wider or less.

Object settings#

Select the object in the Table of Objects to configure its settings.

High to Lowpoly#

Mind this section if you plan to bake from high to lowpoly meshes.

Unique per map
Unique per map

Set unique High to Lowpoly settings for each map.

Table of Highpolies
Table of Highpolies

Table of all added highpolies for the current object.

Add Highpoly

Add new highpoly for the current object.

Remove Highpoly

Remove the current highpoly from the table.

Active Highpoly
Active/current Highpoly

Click and choose highpoly for the current object. Highpolies should also be in the Table of Objects.

Is Decal

Mark the current highpoly as a decal for the lowpoly. If you want to bake decals onto lowpoly, add them as highpolies and check this option for each decal. BakeMaster can bake decals separately too.

Separate decals
Separate decals

Bake specified decals to a separate texture set. If turned off, decals map passes will be baked to the object's textures.

Extrusion/Cage Extrusion

Inflate the lowpoly by the specified distance to create cage.

(more about cages)
Use Cage
Use Cage

Cast rays to object from a cage object.

(more about cages)
Cage Object
Cage Object

Object to use as cage instead of calculating with cage extrusion. Cage Object should also be in the Table of Objects.

(more about cages)
High to Lowpoly Preset
High to Lowpoly Preset

Load/save High to Lowpoly panel Settings to a preset.

(more about presets)
Collapse/Expand the panel
Collapse/Expand the panel

Click to collapse/expand High to Lowpoly Settings panel.

UVs and Layers#

Configure crucial UV and other settings for the object like bake to Image Textures or Vertex Colors.

Unique per map
Unique per map

Set unique UVs and Layers settings for each map.

Bake Data
Bake Data

Set bake data to use for baking. BakeMaster can bake in a regular way or from the object's vertex colors.

Bake Target
Bake Target

Set baked maps output target. Image Textures or Vertex Colors.

UV Layer for bake
UV Layer for bake

Choose UV Map to use for baking.

UV Type
UV Layer Type

Set the type of chosen UV Layer for bake. Single - single tile, Tiled - UDIM tiles, Automatic - automatically determine if the chosen UV Layer for bake is single-tiled or uses UDIMs.

Snap UV to pixels
Snap UV to pixels

Make the chosen UV Layer pixel perfect by aligning UV coordinates to pixels' corners/edges.

Use auto UV unwrap
Use auto UV unwrap

Auto UV unwrap the current object using the smart project. Enabled automatically if the object has no UV Layers and the bake target is Image Textures.

Angle limit
Angle limit

The angle at which to place a seam on the mesh for unwrapping (When auto UV unwrap is enabled).

Island margin
Island margin

Set distance between adjacent UV islands (When auto UV unwrap is enabled).

Scale to bounds
Scale to bounds

Scale UV coordinates to bounds to fill the whole UV tile area (When auto UV unwrap is enabled).

UVs and Layers Preset

Load/save UVs and Layers panel Settings to a preset.

(more about presets)
Collapse/expand the panel
Collapse/Expand the panel

Click to collapse/expand UVs and Layers Settings panel.

Shading Correction#

Let BakeMaster save you time with important mesh normals and shading correction that can decrease the number of projection glitches when baking from highpoly.

Triangulate lowpoly
Triangulate lowpoly

Enable lowpoly triangulation. Takes time but improves lowpoly mesh shading with redundant UV stretches.

Recalculate lowpoly normals outside
Recalculate lowpoly normals outside

Recalculate lowpoly mesh vertex and face normals outside.

Smooth lowpoly
Enable smooth-shaded lowpoly

Use smooth-shaded lowpoly for baking. Can be kept unchecked if you've set up the shading on your own.

Lowpoly smoothing type
Lowpoly smoothing type

Standard - apply default shade smooth to the whole object, Auto Smooth - apply Auto Shade Smooth based on the specified angle, Vertex Groups - apply smooth shading to specified mesh vertex groups, vertex group's boundary will be marked sharp.

Lowpoly auto smooth angle
Lowpoly auto smooth angle

Max angle between face normals that will be considered as smooth.

Highpoly smoothing settings
Highpoly smoothing settings

Highpoly has got identical smoothing settings.

Shading Correction Preset

Load/save the Shading Correction panel Settings to a preset.

(more about presets)
Collapse/expand the panel
Collapse/Expand the panel

Click to collapse/expand the Shading Correction Settings panel.

Decal Object#

When baking decals separately, configure Decal Object baking.

Decal Object
Enable Decal Object

Set the current object to be the Decal Object.

Use custom camera
Use custom camera

Use a custom camera object for capturing and baking decal maps.

Upper coordinate
Upper coordinate

Choose a coordinate specifying where the decal object's top is.

Boundary offset
Boundary offset

The distance to use between the decal object's bounds and captured image area bounds.

Decal Object Preset

Load/save the Decal Object panel Settings to a preset.

(more about presets)
Collapse/expand the panel
Collapse/Expand the panel

Click to collapse/expand the Decal Object Settings panel.

Bake Output#

Specify how you want to output the baked result.

Batch name
Batch name

Output files naming convention. Write keywords starting with $, any additional text can be added. View available keywords by hovering over this setting.

Use caps
Use caps

Use capital letters for the batch name.

Preview the batch name
Preview the batch name

Preview how the configured batch naming convention will look in the output image filename.

(more about the batch name preview)
Save internally
Save internally

Pack baked maps into the current Blender file.

Output filepath
Output filepath

Directory path on your disk to save baked maps to. // is relative to the blend file.

Create subfolder
Create subfolder

Create a subfolder in the Output Path directory and save baked maps there.

Subfolder name
Subfolder name

How to name the subfolder (if Create Subfolder is enabled).

Bake device
Bake device

Device to use for baking. CPU - use CPU for baking, GPU - use GPU compute device for baking, configured in the system tab in the user preferences.

Create material
Create material

Assign a new material to the object after the bake with all baked maps included.

Assign modifiers
Assign modifiers

If Object maps like Displacement or Vector Displacement have the Result to Modifiers option chosen, modifiers will be assigned, if this is checked. If unchecked, baked maps will be just saved to image textures.

Hide when inactive
Hide when inactive

if checked, the object won't affect any other objects while baking.

(more about visibility groups)
Bake Output Preset

Load/save Bake Output panel Settings to a preset.

(more about presets)
Collapse/expand the panel
Collapse/Expand the panel

Click to collapse/expand Bake Output Settings panel.