Save Time#


BakeMaster allows saving Settings Presets for everything.

Simple Presets#

Save the settings of any addon’s panel.

How it works

Full Maps Preset
Full Maps Preset

This preset will remove all current maps and add saved maps to the table with their settings. You can save, for example, 5 maps that you always bake fully configured and save time not adding them one by one.

Map Preset
Map Preset

This preset will save and load settings only for the current active map in the table.

Advanced Presets#

How to access the Full Object Preset

Full Object Preset can load all settings at once for one object, or the ones you specified. With that preset, you can save settings from all panels, including all added maps.

Full Object Preset

Apply Lastly Edited Setting#

Sometimes, you can have many maps or objects, and there’s one specific setting you need to be similar. It’s always possible to click a couple of times to set it, but BakeMaster has a cool feature to save you time: Apply Lastly Edited Setting located in the Bake panel.

How it works