No Limits#

Denoising Maps#

Baking with a low sample count might result in image noise. Enable denoising (noise reduction) in the map’s Format Settings.


Note that on some occasions denoising maps like Albedo or Normal mightn’t be a good idea as it might blur out some sharp details.

Supersample anti-aliasing#

With SSAA, BakeMaster bakes at a higher resolution and then downscales back to the chosen map resolution. Such a technique results in smoother and jaggy-free images (not always noticeable). Enable SSAA in the map’s Format Settings.

Channel Packing#

Channel Packing is commonly used in the Game Dev industry when there’s a need to pack baked maps into image color channels to save memory usage. For example, you can have a single image file baked, where the Red channel holds Metalness, the Green carries Roughness, and the Blue one - AO.

With BakeMaster, you can easily configure Channel Packs and have any maps packed.

How to set up a Channel Pack

Channel Pack type

Imagine having Channel Pack types, with which you can pack not only in the R+G+B way but also RGB+A or R+G+B+A. BakeMaster allows you to do even that.


Texture Sets#

A Texture Set is a set of images baked for one object. By default, BakeMaster will save baked maps for each object into separate Texture Sets. Meaning there will be sets of image files for each object. In some cases, you might want, for example, an Albedo map for ten objects baked onto a single image file. BakeMaster allows doing so and even with automatic UV Repack if needed.

Follow the instruction below, If you want some objects to share the same Texture Set.

How to set up a Texture Set

PBR-Metallic and PBR-Specular#

Blender supports only PBR-Metallic workflow, but BakeMaster can bake both PBRS and PBRM types. It’ll correctly recalculate the Metallic workflow used in your materials, giving a clear and clean PBRS output, and then restore all materials back after baking. You can add both PBR-Specular and PBR-Metallic maps to the Table of Maps.



The examples of PBRS and PBRM bakes shown above were baked with BakeMaster.

How BakeMaster names maps of both workflows

PBR-Metallic: AlbedoM, Metalness, Roughness;
PBR-Specular: AlbedoS, Specular, Glossiness.

You can always specify your custom map naming in the Prefix field of the Map Settings area.

Create a Bake Job Group#

You can create a new Container and choose objects to put in it. That will act as a Bake Job. With Bake Jobs, you can choose maps and set identical settings for all objects in them at once. Follow the slideshow below to build one up:

How to set up a Texture Set


Only objects not in Containers already can form a new Bake Job Container.
Read more about Containers in BakeMaster.

Visibility Groups#

Objects in a single Visibility Group might cause an effect on each other when baking (where meshes intersect). That can result in intersection errors or cage glitches.

  1. You can fix this by enabling the Hide when Inactive option in the object’s Bake Output panel.

  2. Or by putting objects that shouldn’t affect others into separate Visibility Groups.

Hide when inactive
Hide when inactive

If checked, Object's Mesh will not affect any other Objects while baking.

VG Index
VG Index

Object's Mesh will affect other objects' meshes if their Visibility Group Indexes are equal to the same value. The effect is noticeable in areas where meshes intersect.

Batch Name Preview#

BakeMaster allows you to customize the naming pattern of the output filenames in the Batch Name field in the object’s Bake Output panel. That gives a lot of control over output image naming. But sometimes, it’s hard to get an idea of what the filename will be.
Luckily, there’s the Preview Batch Name operator that can do just that!

Batch Name Preview

Match Resolution#

If you have image textures in the object’s materials and want to bake maps with similar resolutions, check out the Match Resolution operator.

Match Resolution


A Container holds a group of objects that can share the same settings. It can consist of Lowpolies, Highpolies, and Cages Subcontainers that carry objects of their corresponding type.

Containers become available when Name Matching is enabled.

Additional features

You can expand/collapse formed containers and rename them to your liking.


A Container can share the same settings for all its objects.
For this, toggle the Global option for the Container.
Not Global
Not Global

Container is just a holder for objects.


All Container's objects inherit its settings.

Addon Preferences#

Some influential settings sit in the addon preferences.

How to open Addon Preferences

Lowpoly Tag
Lowpoly Tag

What keyword to search for in the object's name to determine if it's a Lowpoly Object.

Highpoly Tag
Highpoly Tag

What keyword to search for in the object's name to determine if it's a Highpoly Object.

Cage Tag
Cage Tag

What keyword to search for in the object's name to determine if it's a Cage Object.

Decal Tag
Decal Tag

What keyword to search for in the object's name to determine if it's a Decal Object.

UVMap Tag
UVMap Tag

What UVMap name should include for BakeMaster to see it as UVMap for bake. UVMaps with that value in their names will have a higher priority in the Active UVMap setting.

Hide not baked
Hide not baked

Hide all Objects in the scene that are not proceeded in the bake, so that they do not affect it.

Maps Match Type
Maps Match Type

When baking with Texture Sets, this will specify how to determine what maps should be baked onto the same image files. Maps Prefixes - default, match by maps' prefixes, Maps Types - match by maps' types, Both - match maps by both their prefixes and types.

Addon Location
Addon Location

Where the addon is located.

Addon Version
Addon Version

BakeMaster version you use.