
All BakeMaster Releases and Changelogs are listed on this page. Each new release comes with new features, improvements, or fixes. For clarity, each section has a tag to identify the changes.

2.0.2 Release#


  1. Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, and Opacity Maps weren’t baked properly from Highpoly (issue-29)

  2. ID Maps weren’t baked if Object had NoneType Materials (dev-a1a4836)

  3. If bake took more than a minute, “Bake completed in …” didn’t show correct time the bake took (dev-de81454)

  4. Normal map colorspace could not be set (issue-27)

  5. Normal Map bake with Oject/Materials data outputted raw vectors colors instead of normals (dev-717cc45)

  6. UVMap for bake was set to be the UVMap to bake from (dev-e4aff4e)

  7. Bake could not proceed when objects were hidden at the start (dev-07ead0b)

  8. Normal Map bake from multires caused errors (dev-2c27a29)

New Features:

  1. Pack tiled images since Blender 3.5 supports it (dev-9a954c8)


2.0.1 Release#

Fixes: #. Image format (.png) is occasionally written twice (.png.png) (issue-22) #. Roughness map wasn’t added to Baked Material (dev-9d1a30a) #. Color stepping when baking Displacement from Multires (dev-9d1a30a) #. Displacement map from material not baking out (dev-9d1a30a)


2.0.0 Release#

Powerful update, refactor of the whole addon.


1.1.0 Release#

Presets functionality added.


1.0.0 Release#

The first release of BakeMaster Blender Addon.
