Style guide

We highly encourage you to obey established style guides for writing documentation. This page includes:

Writing Style Guide

Rules to follow when writing documentation pages


Overall goals for writing documentation:

User Relation

The documentation is created for users educated in CG, especially the Blender application and its workflow. The user should be familiar with texture baking, and what it stands for. But at the same time explicable for beginners and proficients, as far as baking can be complex in particular areas.


Baking involves many aspects that can become hard and unnecessary to be documented. BakeMaster Documentation should include particular information and description regarding its functionality and features.


Documented features should be provided with an understandable explanation covering the whole feature, its purpose range of usage and grouped under the appropriate topic.


The described topic should follow the established documentation style.

Content Writing


  • Use American English

  • Check spelling and grammar

  • Make it simple, but fulfilled appropriately

  • Keep the sentence length between 4 and 12 words

  • If you don’t know what the feature you are documenting refers to, ask someone else before writing.

  • Paragraphs like Note that, Attention here, a warning should be placed in specific markdown admonition directories

  • Follow the existing documentation structure to know where to place a short description, and a full one.

  • Place enumerations or similar content in a list or table.


  • Long unseparated paragraphs (hard to read)

  • Writing in the first person

  • Vague language and weasel words

  • Long explanation if there is a simpler way to do it

  • Repeating information - better put a reference link

Markup Style Guide

The documentation is written in reStructuredText format files (.rst). This page is a quick tutorial about how to get around the reStructuredText markup syntax used in the BakeMaster docs.


Page Title




Another Section



Only one Page Title can exist on the page.


This is a simple paragraph. It describes some information
about an important feature. This is a simple paragraph.
It describes some information about an important feature.
This is a simple paragraph. It describes some information
about an important feature. This is a simple paragraph.
It describes some information about an important feature.

Another simple paragraph that is a little shorter. It
describes some further information about an important


Use the syntax below to write a paragraph with one-line blocks:

| This is a simple paragraph.
| The lines will break exactly how there are here.
| This is a simple paragraph.

Inline Markup

*italic text*
**bold text**


- this is a bulleted list
- bullet list second item

1. this is a numbered list
2. this is a numbered list
3. this is a numbered list

* this is also a bulleted list
* this is also a bulleted list
    * that has some subelements
    * that has some subelements
       * that has some subelements
* this is also a bulleted list

Renders into:

  • this is a bulleted list

  • bullet list second item

  1. this is a numbered list

  2. this is a numbered list

  3. this is a numbered list

  • this is also a bulleted list

  • this is also a bulleted list
    • that has some subelements

    • that has some subelements
      • that has some subelements

  • this is also a bulleted list


| Column heading               | Column heading                            |
| this is a simple table       | description                               |
| it can have nested structure | like this - two columns | in one frame    |
| bulleted list below          | | one-line blocks                         |
+------------------------------+ | can be written                          |
| - item 1                     | | with some *italic* text                 |
| - item 2                     |                                           |
| - item 3                     |                                           |
|                              |                                           |

Renders into:

Column heading

Column heading

this is a simple table


it can have nested structure

like this - two columns

in one frame

bulleted list below

one-line blocks
can be written
with some italic text
  • item 1

  • item 2

  • item 3

Code Blocks
use_bake : bpy.props.BoolProperty

Class code block like the one above can be written using a code-block:

.. code-block:: python
    :emphasize-lines: 2

    use_bake : bpy.props.BoolProperty

Properties and classes

property map.use_bake
class map

The class and the property above can be written using the syntax below:

.. py:property:: map.use_bake

.. py:class:: map


Image with a caption under it:

.. figure:: /images/documentation/index_page/teaser_social_1200x600.png

    Image caption.

Image reference:

.. |image_ref_name| image:: /images/documentation/index_page/teaser_social_1200x600.png
    :alt: alternative text
    :width: 600 px
    :height: 300 px
    :class: float-right


This paragraph is a simple paragraph about some paragraphical paragrof.


:class: float-right will make the image right-floated.

File Paths


Admonition Directories

.. note::
    this is a short note.

.. attention::
    attention here, please.

.. warning::
    please keep in mind that...

    Oh no! **frightened**.

.. tip::
    Here is some tip.

.. hint::
    There is a hidden treasure.

.. admonition:: Custom Admonition title
    :class: seealso

    Custom admonition with a ``:class:`` as its class type and text.

Render into:


this is a short note.


attention here, please.


please keep in mind that…


Oh no! frightened.


Here is some tip.


There is a hidden treasure.

Custom Admonition title

Custom admonition with a :class: as its class type and text.

Further Reading

To learn more about reStructuredText, you can visit the following websites:

Sphinx RST Primer

A brief introduction to reStructuredText (reST) concepts and syntax

Tutorial on GitHub

reStructuredText (RST) Tutorial