
All BakeMaster Releases and Changelogs are listed on this page. Each new release comes with new features, improvements, or fixes. For clarity, each section has a tag to identify the changes.

2.5.2 Release#


  1. Global presets did not include map formats (issue-41).

  2. Full Object Preset caused blender to crash (issue-44).

New Features:

  1. Texture upscaling by factor (issue-43).


2.5.1 Release#


  1. Separate decals setting had no effect and decals were always baked onto separate images (issue-39).


2.5.0 Release#


  1. Corrected alpha mode for Channel Packs and images (CU-85zt9dgvu).

  2. Existing nodes in Compositor are correctly restored after Denoise or Channel Pack (CU-85zt9rf2t).

  3. Safely bake if Output Filepath is invalid (CU-85zt9p981).

  4. Correctly set baked images’ color spaces (CU-85zt9rfjx, CU-85ztapkvm).

  5. SSAA didn’t work and had no effect (CU-85zt9ecuy).

  6. Ovewrite to remove previously baked images if the same names encountered (CU-85ztamht0).

  7. Saved images to the disk had wrong indexes (CU-85ztab9u7).

  8. Correctly set Output Render/Scene settings (CU-85ztapkyb).

  9. Apply Lastly Edited Setting didn’t work for Decal Map (CU-85ztawmwb).

  10. One extra bake was by mistake internally invoked when baking Texture Sets, which resulted in corrupted, unsaved image data (CU-85ztaz4vz).

  11. Correctly set Channel Packed images’ color spaces (CU-85zt7bn79).

  12. Match Resolution swapped height and width values (CU-85ztbhnjr).

  13. Existing Triangulation modifiers were ignored (CU-85zt7bmyc).

  14. Help buttons didn’t open documentation.

New Features:

  1. View From - use active camera to capture direction of specular reflections (CU-85zt7bn1q).

  2. JPEG Output Quality slider to the Format settings (CU-85zt9cp75).

  3. Color Management Panel (CU-85zt7bm29).

  4. Show Image Color Depth options and set it correctly (CU-85zt9345a)

  5. TGA file format + TGA raw - uncompressed option (CU-85zt98v6t)

  6. DPX file format + save in Log option (CU-85ztaqqx5).

  7. CINEON file format (CU-85ztaqqx5).

  8. Output Compression for TIFF file format (CU-85ztaqrdc).

  9. Default file format and bit depth from color management is applied to new maps (CU-85ztaqtmx).

  10. Cavity map default values to match 50% grey in neutral areas (CU-85ztau27p).

  11. Channel Pack, Denoise, and Decal bake is now available when baking internally (CU-85ztauwtt, CU-85ztapkqf).

  12. Add Time elapsed and bake time of each map to Progress Report messages (CU-85ztauwzf).

  13. Bake with scene color management applied - Apply Scene (CU-85zt9rew9).

  14. Apply compositor nodes to bakes - Compositor (CU-85zt9revj).

  15. ACES color space for bakes (CU-85ztapkvm).

  16. Bake Cancel (``BACKSPACE + ESC``) now removes already baked files (CU-85ztb8bz5).

  17. Apply configured color management settings (Color Spaces, File Formats, Bit Depths) to existing maps with Quick Apply (CU-85ztb8q9h).

  18. Match Resolution now also shows images from the .blend file itself that are not linked to materials (CU-85ztbhnjr).

  19. Toggle image bit depth and see available properly in Format settings (CU-85zt933wz).

  20. Average Islands Scale checkbox for Texture Set UV Repack (CU-85zt7bqf7).

  21. All panels now have scroll bars (CU-85zt8wmqm).

  22. Low Resolution Mesh checkbox for bakes from Multires (CU-85zt8xnpv).

  23. Choose base subdivision level for bakes from Multires (CU-85zt7bqt9).


  1. Removed Alpha and Trans BG options for JPEG, BMP file format because they do not support it anyway (CU-85zt9d78z).

  2. Show available map data first for Displacement, Normal maps (CU-85ztatzht).

  3. Channel Pack, Denoise, and Decal bake now proceedes without a need for Render Result image (CU-85ztauwjz).

  4. Map baking progress now shows not total maps count to left, but the count of maps that are actually valid for bake (CU-85ztb5pn6).


2.0.2 Release#


  1. Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, and Opacity Maps weren’t baked properly from Highpoly (issue-29)

  2. ID Maps weren’t baked if Object had NoneType Materials (dev-a1a4836)

  3. If bake took more than a minute, “Bake completed in …” didn’t show correct time the bake took (dev-de81454)

  4. Normal map colorspace could not be set (issue-27)

  5. Normal Map bake with Oject/Materials data outputted raw vectors colors instead of normals (dev-717cc45)

  6. UVMap for bake was set to be the UVMap to bake from (dev-e4aff4e)

  7. Bake could not proceed when objects were hidden at the start (dev-07ead0b)

  8. Normal Map bake from multires caused errors (dev-2c27a29)

New Features:

  1. Pack tiled images since Blender 3.5 supports it (dev-9a954c8)


2.0.1 Release#


  1. Image format (.png) is occasionally written twice (.png.png) (issue-22)

  2. Roughness map wasn’t added to Baked Material (dev-9d1a30a)

  3. Color stepping when baking Displacement from Multires (dev-9d1a30a)

  4. Displacement map from material not baking out (dev-9d1a30a)


2.0.0 Release#

Powerful update, refactor of the whole addon.


1.1.0 Release#

Presets functionality added.


1.0.0 Release#

The first release of BakeMaster Blender Addon.
