
class object


This page contains all Object properties references and short descriptions, and the Object definition itself.

Each section has a code block with a script reference and another code block with a Blender Python Data Path to access the value in Python. __item_index__ is an index of a key in the List of Objects.

BakeMaster Object (Item can be also mentioned) is a BakeMaster List of Objects class unit. The Object is a Property Group that holds child properties and Map classes.

class BM_Item(PropertyGroup):

List of Objects

class objects

List of Objects is a bpy_prop_collection_idprop collection class that contains keys. The key is the Object Property Group class.

bpy.types.Scene.bm_aol = bpy.props.CollectionProperty

Object Pointer

property object.object_pointer

Each Object class has a pointer to an existing mesh object data block in the Blender file scene. Object Pointer is assigned when this object is added to the List of Objects. Because Object Pointer stores a pointer to an object and not a full data block, its properties are changed along with the original object.

object_pointer : PointerProperty()

Use Bake

property object.use_bake

use_bake defines whether to include the Object in the bake. If False, then the Object is excluded and appears greyed out in the UI.

use_bake : bpy.props.BoolProperty

BakeMaster Scene Props

Blender file scene context props that are Object class related, but are top-level units.

Object Active Index

property object.active_index

Active List of Objects key index is stored in this value. Not used in the UI.

active_index : bpy.props.IntProperty

Use UV Islands Rotation

property object.use_islands_rotate

If True, rotate UV Islands when UV Packing for best fit.

use_islands_rotate : bpy.props.BoolProperty

UV Pack Margin

property object.uv_pack_margin

UV Pack margin for Islands UV Packing. Defines the packing distance between UV islands.

uv_pack_margin : bpy.props.FloatProperty

Use BakeMaster Reset

property object.use_bakemaster_reset

If True, empty the List of Objects and return all properties to their default values after the bake has completed.

use_bakemaster_reset : bpy.props.BoolProperty

Bake Instruction

property object.bake_instruction

Bake Instruction string Property that contains Baking Process control keyboard shortcuts.

  • Press BACKSPACE to cancel baking all next maps

  • Press ESC key to cancel baking current map

  • Press BACKSPACE + ESC to cancel baking

If you want to undo the bake, press Ctrl + Z or Cmd + Z (Mac) just after it is finished or canceled.


Open Blender Console to, if you face an unexpected Blender freeze, press Ctrl + C or Cmd + C (Mac) to abort the bake.


There are expectable Blender freezes when baking Displacement, Denoising baked result, baking item with no UV Map or UV Packing items that have no UV Maps

bake_instruction : bpy.props.StringProperty

Bake Available

property object.bake_available

True when no BakeMaster baking process is running, False when the bake is available. Not used in the UI.


If there was a Bake Error and you cannot run the next bake, because the Bake Controls are inactive, write the following expression to the Blender Python Console:

Blender Python Console window
bpy.context.scene.bm_props.bake_available = True
bake_available : bpy.props.BoolProperty